April 11, 2012
The 86th annual Kumbia Charity Campdraft was held at the Kumbia Sports Grounds over the Easter weekend.
Campdraft secretary Cath Fairbairn said there were 1050 acceptances over the three days, with competitors coming from as far away as the Brisbane Valley and Miles.
Here are the results:
Bundaberg Rum/ Carrollee Novice Draft
1 Bill Little – Will Power 174
2. Wayne Dennien – CD 172
Equal 3. Kaye Radke – Jazz 171
Equal 3. Trader Wilson – Perfect Lady
Equal 5. Karl Burton – Mentor’s Mate169
Equal 5. Karl Burton – Oaks Penny
7. Louse Roche – Catastrophic 168
8. Lachlan Barnes – Banter 167
Judge: Mr John Diery
South Burnett Dental Group Restricted Open
1. Dale Roberts – Silkstone Boondine 169
2. Bryan Lyons – Personell 167
Equal 3. Wayne Dennien – Windamere 165
Equal 3. Gary Hickmott – Tomba Bruno
Judge: Mr Bob Black
McDonalds Kingaroy Encouragement
1. Greg Blair – Bellair Dixie Chick 86
2. Ashleigh Fairbrother – Yellow 82
3. Laressa Duncan – Question Mark 81
Equal 4. Wendy McGuire – Garthowen Burrundie 79
Equal 4. Andrew Welch – Music
Equal 6. Courtney Fitzgibbon – Lass 78
Equal 6. Natalie Lonard – Quartpot Doc’s Return
Judge: Mr Tony Brown
Frank Tucker Memorial Junor Draft
1. Dakota Pratten – Diamond 70
2. William Edwards – Cassette 68
3. Dean Radke – Simone 61
4. Brooke Radke – Arena 60
Equal 5. Meghan Newman – Gillroy 79
Equal 5. Blake Nichol- Kelly
Judge: Mr Phillip Matthews
Stanwell Tarong Powerstation Juvenile Draft
1. Wade Radke – McNamara Flare 88
2. Gabe Crane – Commando 82
Equal 3. Jack Fairbairn – Jess 80
Equal 3. Matthew Harch – Moon Oscar
5. Torrie Harrrison – Blue 78
6. Monique Crack- Kayla 67
Judge: Mr Phillip Matthews
Greenup Eidsvold Station Santa Gertrudis Maiden Draft
1. Tony Hite – Dude 88
Equal2. Ashleigh Fairbrother – Raggedy Anne 87
Equal 2. Ben Smart – Harmonica
Equal 4. David Durre – Kaylee Park Replay 86
Equal 4. Pat Moloney – Graffeti
6. Mark Buttsworth – Double Your Money 85
Equal 7. Bob Black – Clyde 84
Equal 7. Sid Brummell – Hot Romance
Equal 7. Mark Buttsworth – Peppi Style
Equal 7. Barry Little – Viper
Judge: Mr Phillip Matthews
Winning Edge Saddlery Maiden
1. Wes Radke – Little Miss 90
2. Robert Tilley – Gumguli Delight 89
Equal 3. Jane Faye – Bella Rose 86
Equal 3. Kevin King – Tully
Equal 3. Dale Roberts – Silkstone Wasp
Equal 6. John Hill – Tuck 85
Equal 6. Kim Hubbard – Icon
Equal 6. Phillip Matthews – Tyranook Sinantra
Equal 6. Daniel Richards – Moscow
Judge: Mr Mark Buttsworth
Oberles Transport Alex Logan Memorial Open
1. Wayne Dennien – Windamere 262
2. Mark Buttsworth – Playgirl Freckles 259
3. Richard Blanch – Jackpot 250
4. Cory Kruger – Techinique 245
5. Burnett Fahey – Zorro 244
6. Donna Norton – Silkstone Bellette 191
Judge: Mr Trader Wilson