Warren Weber with one of the Kingaroy Men’s Shed trademark pink pigs, made from a gas cylinder, available for sale on the night

March 25, 2025

Kingaroy Men’s Shed were all ready to host their annual Dinner Under The Stars on March 8 … until TC Alfred started hanging around off the Queensland coast.

The volunteer group decided to play it safe, and rescheduled their important fundraiser for the LifeFlight Foundation to March 22.

Ironically, not a drop fell on March 8 but a couple of light showers greeted the diners on the new date last Saturday.

However, a few drops of light rain could not spoil this big night which has become one of Kingaroy’s most popular annual events.

The fact that it raises funds for the life-saving LifeFlight rescue helicopters – which have touched so many local families – adds to its yearly appeal.

Kingaroy Men’s Shed president Eric Ford said 250 diners booked in as well as walk-ins on the night.

The area in front of the entertainment stage was filled with camping chairs and tables as people settled down to enjoy a camp oven dinner … under the stars!

A special highlight this year was the arrival of a LifeFlight helicopter, which landed just outside the dining area.

“It was just an awesome sight to see it come in and land,” Eric told Tuesday night’s Kingaroy Chamber of Commerce & Industry’s meet’n’greet.

He said the final figures of the amount of money raised – from ticket sales and an auction – were not yet available, but last year the Kingaroy Men’s Shed presented a $14,000 cheque to LifeFlight and he believed it could be even more this time.

Eric said the annual event was becoming better known outside the area, with guests coming this year from the Glasshouse Mountains, Toowoomba and Roma.

He also thanked the generosity of Kingaroy business who had supported the night.

LifeFlight pilot Dave Bashir was generous with his time, chatting with the many diners
Cr Danita Potter and mum Marie Shaw, volunteering at the entrance table, were overwhelmed when a familiar face turned up … former volunteer Kay Clark came across from the Sunshine Coast; Kay’s late husband Ralph was one of the original organisers of Dinner Under The Stars
Kingaroy Men’s Shed president Eric Ford with members Ross Bean and Warren Weber
Pat and Joe Petersen, from Woolooga, with Cr Linda Little
Ian Bailey and Myolene Voller were volunteering at the bar
The Bait Layers were working hard to prepare the camp oven dinner … from left, Mark Bonwick, Tom Browning and Terry Leahy
Shirley Jackson, Mill Ruddick and Daphne Smith, all from Kingaroy, settled in early to enjoy a dinner under the stars
Dennis Cotter, who conducted the charity auction during the night, with South Burnett Mayor Kathy Duff
Cr Linda Little and her friends won the Best Dressed Table competition after going all out with their fine dining look!
Tanya Buckle was one of the Bunnings’ volunteers offering children’s activities … including sand art!
Amos Pellas was just one of the local musicians who entertained the crowd throughout the evening
This AgustaWestland AW109 is used for training exercises … the chopper, sporting LifeFlight’s new white livery, made quite an entrance at Dinner Under The Stars!
The Kingaroy Men’s Shed had many of their hand-made items on sale … including these handsome pink pigs!


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