A museum link to six generations … Trevor Hansen, from Kingaroy, with his granddaughter Charleigh, 3, and his great-grandfather Hans’ wagon; Hans, (known as Peter), was born in Denmark in 1863 and arrived in Australia in 1879; he built the wagon circa 1896 to bring his family and possessions to Kingaroy

March 24, 2025

The Kingaroy Heritage Museum marked its centenary – or, probably more accurately, the centenary of electricity in Kingaroy – with an open day and markets on Saturday morning.

The museum is located in the former Kingaroy Electric Authority building, opposite the peanut silos in Haly Street, which housed Kingaroy’s electricity generating plant for many years.

The building is part of the complex which also includes the  Kingaroy Visitor Information Centre, the 1938 Council Chambers (now Kingaroy Regional Art Gallery) and the 1913 Council Chambers (used as a meeting room and workshop).

The museum is filled with items from Kingaroy’s history … including some of the first peanut threshers in the district, wagons and buggies, a miniature model of the World War II airbase at Kingaroy Airport,  historic signs and plaques, a portable cauldron from the 2000 Sydney Olympics torch relay and many, many curios linked to the town’s people, farming community and businesses.

Volunteers were on hand on Saturday to share stories with visitors, but also many former volunteers returned for the day to reminisce.

A portion of Edward Street was blocked off to allow market stalls and displays, as well as a collection of vehicles owned by members of the South Burnett Antique Motor Club.

* * *

From The Queenslander Illustrated Weekly, June 15, 1938 (as published by Trove)

“Electric light was installed (in Kingaroy) in 1925, and during the first year there were 250 consumers.

“To-day there are 640 consumers and the revenue is more than £6000 annually.

“Extensions and additions to the plant and power house costing £21,000 are under way …

“The single-meter tariff rates – 10d per unit for the first 12 units, 6d per unit for second 12 units; 4d per unit for the next 36 units, and 3¾d per unit over that – are the lowest of any council-controlled electric authority in the State.”   

Kym Lavaring, from the Kingaroy QCWA Twilight branch, with South Burnett Mayor Kathy Duff … the QCWA members had a craft stall set up in the mini-market space
Kingaroy Lions Club volunteers fired up the barbie to cook some snags … the club will be celebrating its 60th birthday next Saturday
Murray Beil and John Meiers, from Kingaroy, with Matt Kerrison and his 1935 Model 48 Ford
Sandy Ridges Rural Fire Brigade also had a display … from left, Susan Thompson, Georgia White and Jeremiah Smith
Current and former museum volunteers … from left, Pam Kerr, Peter Trail, John Kefford, Wilf Young and Barbara Hatley
Jocelyn Hansen and Marie Shaw from Kingaroy, with SBRC visitor enhancement officer Roz McKiterick
Retired museum volunteers Wilf Young and Lindsay Gardiner … Wilf’s family donated a peanut thresher to the museum and Lindsay worked as a volunteers for 18 years
Author Dr Judith Grimes OAM with two of her history books about the local area which were available to buy in the museum
More buggies on display tucked away in a corner of the museum


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