Artists Natasha Duncan and Sue Warry were guiding the aspiring artists at the Wondai Regional Art Gallery

January 30, 2026

Wondai Regional Art Gallery hosted an art competition for young an old as part of its Australia Day activities.

This is the third year the gallery has added art to the mix of events held in the South Burnett.

Sunday morning began with a hot community breakfast and live entertainment, including music from the Wondai Town & District Band.

A highlight of the morning was a performance by the talented Wirri-Wakka dancers from Cherbourg.

It was then time to break out the paints in The Studio for the art competition.

Two artists supported and encouraged the aspiring artists: Natasha Duncan, from Cherbourg; and Sue Warry, from Kingaroy.

About 70 people dropped in during the day – both local residents and visitors – to try their hand at painting on canvasses, boomerangs and clapsticks.

More than 100 pieces of art were produced and then judged (see the list of winners, below).

Prizes were vouchers from Wondai businesses.

After the judging, there was more music, this time by Eddie Conlon, and pizzas to enjoy from the Cecil Hotel.

Event organiser Cr Ros Heit said it had been a wonderful day.

“We can support adults and children in their artistic endeavours and enjoy creating artwork with the Australia Day theme ‘Reflect, Respect and Celebrate’,” Cr Heit said.

The event was made possible by a grant from the Australia Day Council and support from the South Burnett Regional Council.

[Photos: Nadine Gray Photography, Cr Ros Heit,]

Wondai Regional Art Gallery patron Cr Ros Heit and co-ordinator Elaine Madill
The Wirri Wakka Dancers were a popular part of the morning’s entertainment
The Wondai Town & District Band are a familiar sight (and sound) at every event in Wondai

Wondai artist Katrina O’Shannessy with her winning decorated boomerang

Australia Day Wondai/Tingoora Local Achiever award winner Julie Lohmann and Ros Heit cut the cake
Co-ordinator Elaine Madill – who admits she’s no artist! – was feeling very proud of her effort
Wondai band member Winston Burrows with Claire Kapernick
South Burnett Mayor Kathy Duff with Cr Ros Heit
The hot breakfast served up on Sunday morning was very popular
The crowd which gathered for breakfast in the grounds of the Wondai Art Gallery

* * *

Art Competition Winners

Winning artist Linda Staines with Gallery patron Cr Ros Heit and art mentors Sue Warry and Natasha Duncan

Adult Canvas – Large

1. Linda Staines
2. Lee Anne Pumpa
3. Jennifer Lockhart
4. Maureen Irving
HC Yvonne Hayman

Adult Canvas – Small

1. Naomi Andersen
2. Maureen Irving
3. Graham
4. Joy Thomson
HC. Mahkaylah Christoffel
C. Barb Pearson

Children Canvas

1. Emily Warry
2. Eboni Quirk
3. Zoe Andersen
4. Declan Andersen
HC. Mami
C. Lilyana Lockhart

Adult Boomerangs & Clapsticks

1. Katrina O’Shannessy
2. Jennifer Lockhart
3. Lee-Anne Pumpa
4. Kathy Duff

Children’s Boomerangs

1. Gemma O’Shannessy
2. Zoe Andersen
3. Cohen Urban
4. Lilah Viggers
HC. Thea Viggers
C. Lilyana Lockhart

Children’s Clapsticks

1. Zoe Andersen
2. April Quirke
3. Eboni Quirk
4. Gemma Quirke

Special Mention

Elaine Madill
Larry Quirk
Katrina O’Shannessy
Sandy Hoffman
Gemma Quirke

Extra Special Mention

Thea Viggers

Colourful artworks made by adults and children during the Wondai Art Gallery’s Australia Day activities


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