August 22, 2024
Police have repeated calls for South Burnett residents to lock up after a string of break-ins and thefts in the Wondai and Murgon areas over the past two weeks.
Between midnight last Friday (August 16) and midnight on Saturday thieves stole items from a vehicle parked at a property in Philps Street, Wondai.
The same night – between 10:00pm and 1:30am – thieves broke into a house in Smith Street, Wondai, via a window and stole a handbag and car keys. They then used the keys to steal a vehicle at the address. It was later located damaged in Cherbourg.
About 2:00am on Saturday (August 17), thieves stole property from another residence in Smith Street, Wondai, after using an implement to break in through a kitchen window. They were scared off by the occupant and fled via the back door.
About the same time, thieves in a stolen vehicle used a rock to smash a lower glass pane at the Wondai Bakery in Scott Street. They entered the building and stole a till and other other items before fleeing. A witness who confronted the thieves contacted police.
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About 7:25pm on August 8, property was stolen from a number of vehicles parked in Macalister Street, Murgon.
An iPhone was taken from one vehicle and money from another.
About 10:40pm on the same night, would-be thieves attempted to break into a home in Houghton Street, Murgon. They were spotted checking windows by neighbours and were scared off.
About an hour later, a workroom underneath a residence in Lamb Street, Murgon, and a shed in the back yard were broken into.
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About midnight on August 8, would-be thieves attempted to break into a residence on Byee Road at Wheatlands via a balcony door.
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About 11:45am on August 12, thieves pried open a roller door inside a business in Gore Street, Murgon. They stole drinks and snacks from a canteen.
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About 12:30am on August 13, thieves stole a handbag from a home in Stephens Street, Murgon, after smashing a window with a rock.
They also attempted to steal a vehicle, however were disturbed by the residents.
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About 8:00pm on August 15, two people smashed a louvre with a rock at a house in Hanley Lane, Murgon.
The pair allegedly threatened the occupant to hand over car keys and money. The resident screamed out and called Triple Zero and the would-be thieves fled.