November 14, 2023
A petition to install a flying fox – a zip line for children to play on – at First Settlers Park in Benarkin is unlikely to occur any time soon.
The petition, organised by a Timbertowns resident, was presented to the South Burnett Regional Council in September and considered at this month’s Liveability Standing Committee.
The petition’s organiser said the installation of a flying fox would provide an additional recreational activity for locals and tourists who used the park.
However, staff told Councillors that based on their experience with flying foxes at Apex Park in Kingaroy and Pioneer Park in Nanango, cost was a factor that needed to be considered.
Based on a quote they had received, staff estimated that installing a flying fox and a platform would cost $39,000.
To this, Council would need to add a further $18,500 to put rectangular concrete edging around the flying fox area, and another $26,000 to fill it with woodchip softfall, bringing the project’s total construction cost to $83,500.
After this, Parks and Gardens staff would need to add a weekly inspection, weed spraying and softfall maintenance to their jobs list.
And every two years, they would need to top up the soft fall bark.
Staff estimated these extra tasks would add a further $1800 a year in ongoing costs to maintain the facility once it was built.
Cr Kirstie Schumacher said she was surprised at the cost and asked if staff had obtained any other quotes.
Facilities Manager Leanne Petersen said flying foxes were common playground equipment and there was very little price variation among them.
But softfall and cement edging to hold it in place – which cost even more – was mandated by Australian playground standards.
Ms Peterson said a full safety audit of all Council playgrounds was under way, and she expected that in the future Councillors might have to make some tough decisions about what to do with obsolete playground equipment.
In the end, Councillors voted to accept the officers’ recommendation to consider the flying fox request in future stages of First Settlers Park’s development and Council’s 10-year capital works program.
The motion – proposed by Acting Mayor Gavin Jones and seconded by Cr Danita Potter – was carried unanimously.