September 13, 2023
Did you know the Army Reserve has a depot in Wondai? The 25/49 RQR Battalion parades at the depot in Bramston Street most Tuesday nights and is very keen for more local residents to join them.
And the bonus is, you get paid!
The battalion held a “Night In The Army Reserve”, on Tuesday to provide an opportunity for prospective recruits to meet soldiers and learn more about life in the Army Reserve.
Reservists make a commitment to serve a minimum of 20 days a year, but they can take the opportunity for longer deployments, including contracts overseas at the Butterworth Air Force Base in Malaysia.
25/49 RQR has been on a recruitment drive recently, with stalls in Kingaroy, Cherbourg, Murgon and Wondai.
The drive followed the recent “Wondai Warrior” exercise in the Wondai forestry during which 25/49 members joined other infantry groups in a platoon-size operation which tested command and control tactics and security procedures.
Combat engineers from the 11th Engineer Regiment and a Joint Fires Team from the 9th Regiment, Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery, also took part.
More than 15,000 rounds of “simulated” ammunition from small arms and other weapons were fired during the exercise.
Sergeant Andrew Sampson said eligibility requirements for the Army Reserve were the same as the regular Army.
People aged from 17 to 55 could apply.
There are three stages to the recruitment process.
Initially, recruits undertake a three-week course at Kapooka, near Wagga Wagga in NSW. After this, they can take part in disaster response work.
The second stage is two weeks of weapons training, followed by two weeks learning infantry tactics.
Sgt Sampson said 25/49 took part in two one-week exercises every year, which could include live-fire exercises.
Anyone interested in learning more about the Army Reserve has been invited to drop into the Bramston Street Depot on a parade night.
The next parade night will be held on September 26.