FLASHBACK: Heavy earthmoving equipment shifted huge piles of soil on the Pound Street site in 2013 as part of the SBRC’s expensive decontamination of the former Kingaroy Shire Council depot site

UPDATE: This meeting will now be held on March 1.

February 16, 2023

South Burnett Regional Council will be holding a Special Meeting on Monday (February 20) to discuss the future of the Pound Street site in Kingaroy.

The former Kingaroy Shire Council depot land has been the subject of multiple rumours over the years about potential redevelopments, ranging from big-block grocery stores to aged housing.

It is the largest block of vacant land close to the Kingaroy CBD.

Last October, councillors discussed a $1.3 million housing development proposed by the Kingaroy-Memerambi RSL Sub-Branch for the southern end of the site.

Mayor Brett Otto successfully moved a motion that staff prepare a report on the RSL’s proposal for Councillors to consider.

However, the October meeting was also told there was another proposal for Pound Street in the wings, which was commercial-in-confidence.

Mayor Otto has now foreshadowed a motion that he intends to move at Monday’s Special meeting:

That South Burnett Regional Council:

1. Sub-divides 4000 square metres of the northern end of the Pound Street allotment and gifts such to the Kingaroy-Memerambi RSL Sub-Branch for the purpose of developing up to 14 accommodation units for veterans and their widows;

2. Markets the remaining land area that is suitable for an over 60s residential development to potential investors and developers for the construction of a retirement village with independently owned unit dwellings; and

3. That the flood-prone and electricity easement area at the northern end be retained as a community asset for the community park fronting Kingaroy Street land and future development of a public car park via Pound Street.


The Kingaroy-Memerambi RSL Sub-Branch is seeking land upon which to develop unit accommodation. They currently are unable to meet the demand for such accommodation. The sub-branch has funds in the bank to complete Stage 1.

Kingaroy has a housing shortage crisis. The provision of multiple residential units on this land would provide a significant increase in local accommodation.

The park area would complement the RSL and retirement village.

There is a desperate need for off-street parking in this part of town.

A series of confidential reports from Council staff will also be presented at the meeting. These will be discussed behind closed doors.

The Special Council Meeting has been scheduled to start at 8:30am at the Glendon Street Council Chambers in Kingaroy.

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