A Special Store Sale held at Coolabunia’s saleyards last Thursday (January 20) drew a yarding of 760 head.
Export slaughter cattle sold to slightly easier rates than the close of 2021.
Heavy feeder steers and heifers were also easier across the board due to feedlots having to hold onto cattle due to delays in processing plants caused by staff shortages and COVID restrictions.
Once the sale moved on to cattle returning to the paddocks, though, the market picked up considerably.
Top weaner steers and heifers still made over $2000 per head, while steers to the paddock topped at $7.82/kg and heifers to the paddock topped at $6.74/kg.
Cattle were drawn from Gympie, Mundubbera, Proston, Goomeri, Murgon, Kumbia, Blackbutt, Toogoolawah, and other local areas.
Sale results:
- Limousin heavy cows ex-Yarraman weighing 760kg made $3.79/kg and $2882
- Brangus heavy cows ex-Nanango (620kg) made $3.78/kg and $2345
- Droughtmaster heavy cows ex-Kumbia (600kg) made $3.78/kg for $2269
- Murray Grey heavy cows ex-Proston (605kg) also made $3.78/kg, returning $2288
- Charolais heavy feeder steers ex-Yarraman (512kg) sold to $5.66/kg and 2902
- Droughtmaster heavy steers ex-Nanango (386kg) sold at $5.75/kg and $2222
- Angus heavy steers ex-Crows Nest (406kg) made $5.60/kg and $2277
- Angus heavy steers ex-Coolabunia (361kg) sold for $6.02/kg, returning $2177
- Speckle Park trade feeders ex-Haly Creek made $6.18/kg and $2226
- Speckle Park trade feeders ex-Dangar Mountain made $6.08/kg at $1956
- Shorthorn trade feeders ex-Kingaroy also made $6.18/kg, returning $2349
- Limousin backgrounder steers ex-Blackbutt (232kg) made $7.84/kg and $1823
- LimFlex backgrounder steers ex-Bunya Mountains (275kg) made $7.78/kg at $2140
- Angus X backgrounder steers ex-Blackbutt (258kg) made $7.58/kg at $1959
- Speckle Park backgrounder steers ex-Haly Creek made $7.32/kg and $1885
- 316kg Angus feeder heifers ex-Blackbutt made $6.00/kg and $1901
- 273kg Charolais feeder heifers ex-Yarraman made $6.54/kg, returning $1788
- Three pens of Brangus, Droughtmaster and Charolais PTIC blue tag heifers ex-Gympie made $2825/head
- Brahman X PTIC blue tag heifers ex-Mundubbera made $2375/head
- Speckle Park cows and calves ex-Goodger made $3650/unit
- Droughtmaster cows and calves ex-Kingaroy made $3800/unit
- Brangus cows and calves ex-Wooroolin made $3450/unit
- Brahman X cows and calves ex-Mundubbera made $3175/unit
- Droughtmaster X cows and calves ex-Cushine made $3350/unit
- Two pens of Brangus X cows and calves ex-Bullcamp made $3300/unit
The next sale – the SBLX Fat and Store Sale – will be held on January 25 at the Murgon Saleyards.