September 15, 2020
Toowoomba Regional Council has named the new members who will join a number of its voluntary advisory committees.
All the appointments were approved at Tuesday’s ordinary meeting of council.
The first meetings of all the committees are expected to be held in October.
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Nine new community members will serve on the TRC’s Regional Active and Public Transport Advisory Committee (RAPTAC).
They are: Anna Campbell (Walk Queensland), Sheree Hughes (Heart Foundation), Tracy Kolbe-Alexander (USQ), John Osborne OAM, Maria Sloane (Yellowbridge), Chris Reynolds, Todd Rohl (Toowoomba Chamber of Commerce), Bruce Steele and Tomas Coory.
Council also approved the appointment of Daniel Naisch (Department of Transport and Main Roads) and Michael Timmer (TransLink) as advisers.
Cr Melissa Taylor will serve as RAPTAC chair with additional Council representation from Cr Carol Taylor, Cr Megan O’Hara Sullivan and Cr James O’Shea .
RAPTAC was established in 2013.
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The new community members who will serve on TRC’s renamed Toowoomba Region Aerodromes Advisory Committee have also been announced.
They are Marty Taylor, Paul Coughran, Matt Handley, Keith Mackenzie and Andrew Walker.
Cr Melissa Taylor will serve as the volunteer committee’s chair with additional Council representation from Cr Carol Taylor and Cr O’Shea.
The renamed committee will broaden its functions to provide and input across all four Council aviation facilities: Toowoomba City Aerodrome, Pittsworth and Millmerran aerodromes and the Crows Nest Helipad.
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Fourteen people will serve on Council’s new Regional Youth Advisory Committee (RYAC).
They are: Allyson Anderson, Kelli Anderson, Donita Bellette, Alicia Channell, Hayley Finnie, Ada Gain, Natasha Hayes, Andrew Hickey, Bomkey ‘Volonte’ Mbaiornom, Thomas Murphy, Mike Paton, Rojin Rash, Ros Scotney OAM and Ben Yong.
Cr O’Shea will serve as the RYAC chair with Cr Tim McMahon as the proxy. Cr Rebecca Vonhoff was appointed as an attendee.
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Thirteen people have been appointed to serve on the Regional Access and Disability Advisory Committee (RADAC).
They are: Wendy Adams, Helen Bawden, David Boden, Nadia Brady, Michelle Davies, Mary-Ann Garrahy, Joyce Jones, Joshua Marshall, John Napier, Noel Spain, Kim Stokes, Megan Telford and Susan Unger.
Cr McMahon will serve as RADAC chair with Cr O’Shea will act as the proxy.