Wondai officer-in-charge Sergeant Brad Fewtrell, Cr Ros Heit, Senior Constable Sue Stevens and Lions Club president Fred Law (Photo: Submitted)

March 25, 2019

Wondai will soon have its own CCTV security camera system following the announcement of a $217,600 grant by the Federal Government.

Wondai Lions Club applied for the support under Round 3 of the Federal Government’s Safer Communities Fund.

Club president Fred Law said he was delighted the Lions were able to auspice the grant to help make Wondai safer.

Cr Ros Heit told southburnett.com.au the application had been endorsed by local police.

Contractors would now liaise with police over the best positions to locate the cameras, however it was expected at least 20 would be installed around central locations in town.

“Using technology to prevent crime as well as assist police apprehend any wrongdoers will be hugely beneficial in keeping properties and the community safe,” Cr Heit said.

“Wondai has quite an elderly population and this will help residents feel more safe and secure.”

She thanked the Lions Club for their willingness to be involved, and particularly members who sourced letters of support.

Cr Heit also thanked CCTV specialist Douglas Grant – who installed the Murgon CCTV system – for his help with the grant application and Senior Constable Sue Stevens, from Wondai Police.

“This is a fantastic initiative and great result for all involved in this project,” officer-in-charge of Wondai Police, Sergeant Brad Fewtrell, said.

“This system will afford greater community confidence in allowing the police to not only utilise the system in reactive policing strategies but also as a crime preventation measure.”

The cameras will link back to Wondai Police Station for monitoring.

“This is great for Wondai residents businesses and visitors. Win, win all round,” Cr Heit said.

Member for Flynn Ken O’Dowd said a licence plate recognition would be built in to the Wondai CCTV system.

“The police have stated other precincts are using this technology in conjunction with their CCTV and able track stolen vehicles,” he said.

The latest announcement follows a grant of $987,000 last month to install CCTV cameras near key locations in Cherbourg.

That funding also came from Round 3 of the Safer Communities Fund.

CCTV systems have been installed in Murgon and Nanango with funding from earlier rounds of the program.

Money in the Safer Communities Fund comes from the proceeds of crime.

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