March 15, 2019
Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) is inviting Yarraman and Cooyar residents to have a say on the future shape of their towns at two upcoming workshops being held on March 23 and April 6.
The Council is currently reviewing the Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme, and seeking public feedback from the community.
Mayor Paul Antonio said feedback would be sought through public forums between now and June to ensure the Planning Scheme catered for a diverse and growing region.
“The Toowoomba Regional Planning Scheme is Council’s key plan for the region’s future development and shapes many of our prized lifestyle attributes,” Mayor Antonio said.
“Given the projected population growth and expansion of the region, it is timely to review the Planning Scheme to ensure it meets community needs and expectations for the next 15 years.
“I encourage residents and industry representatives to be involved in shaping policies aimed at protecting productive agricultural land, distinct rural communities and their unique identity in addition to looking at how urban neighbourhoods may be planned to accommodate future generations.”
TRC Strategic Planning and Economic Development portfolio leader Cr Anne Glasheen said Council was seeking feedback on all aspects of the plan, with particular interest in understanding how future challenges would be addressed.
“How will a projected population increase of 40,000 residents in the next 15 years be housed and serviced within the region’s urban framework?” Cr Glasheen said.
“What infrastructure is needed? How will this development be balanced against protecting key considerations such as heritage and environmental issues?
“The Planning Scheme affects all development in the Toowoomba Region. It is therefore important that we hear from a cross section of the community.
“Property owners, developers, business owners or anyone who wants to play a role in shaping the future of their street, neighbourhood or town should ensure that they have their say.”
Cr Glasheen said TRC will be seeking input on five key focus areas:
- Liveable communities and housing
- Economic growth
- Infrastructure (ie meeting demand for electricity, roads, sewerage and water)
- Environment and heritage, and
- Safety and resilience
“The Planning Scheme affects all development in the Toowoomba Region,” Cr Glasheen said.
“It is therefore important that we hear from a cross-section of the community.”
TRC will be running pop-up engagement hubs and workshops across the Toowoomba region over the coming months.
Workshops will be held at the Yarraman Memorial Hall in Browne Street on Saturday, March 23, and Saturday, April 6.
Both workshops will run between 1:00pm and 4:00pm.
Feedback can be provided online until 5:00pm on Monday, June 10.