February 1, 2019

Queensland Ambulance paramedics have helped the third South Burnett resident to be bitten by a snake in less than a week.

The patient was taken by ambulance from Boondooma to Kingaroy Hospital in a stable condition on Friday morning.

The snakebite was reported to have occurred at a private residence at 9:21am.

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People who suspect they may have been bitten by a snake should look out for signs such as pain, nausea, numbness, tingling around the mouth and dizziness.

Some tips from RACQ LifeFlight:

1. Move away from the snake and make sure the area is safe

2. Stay as calm as possible and limit body movements to prevent the venom spreading

3. Use a bandage or a shirt to compress the bite, wrapping it tightly from the bite area to the top of the affected limb and call emergency services immediately.


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