by Anne Miller
If you Google “Kingaroy Big Peanut”, you’ll find a photo of this handsome fellow …
The sad fact is, this happily be-hatted guy is actually at Tolga, another one of Queensland’s main peanut-growing areas.
For years, Kingaroy has been accused of having a “Big Peanut”.
A while back, I was charged with the job of trying to fix up some of the out-of-date tourist information about the South Burnett that could be found on the Internet.
I contacted many websites – most of which didn’t return my calls or emails – to try to fix multiple egregious errors.
One error that kept on recurring was the myth of the Kingaroy Big Peanut.
It even appeared in a report listing “things to see” that was published by the Courier-Mail!
Which brings me back to today.
A mystery group of local residents started making noises a while back about fixing this tourism oversight.
I don’t know why they’ve hidden their identities – the rumour is some Council folk are involved, as well as reporters from a rival newspaper – but who knows?
All we know is the official spokesnut is a Mr King Roy.
We heard a tip last week that a vacant green at the Kingaroy Bowls Club had been volunteered as the home for the large legume.
(Tourists might stop, take a pic and perhaps enjoy a coldie at the club?)
We also heard the mystery group was hoping the Gambling Community Benefit Fund might be willing to shell out up to $100,000 to make the project happen.
This is all so much fun, but now the ABC is quizzing our local MP, Deb Frecklington, about the project so I guess we have to start taking it a bit more seriously.
In other news: Deb Frecklington says international visitors will be drawn to Kingaroy by a soon to be built ‘Big Peanut’.
#qldpol pic.twitter.com/gjiD69PeQf
— Josh Bavas (@JoshBavas) June 13, 2018
A couple of years ago, South Burnett Arts Inc (yes, I’m secretary) also tried to get a Big Peanut-like project off the ground.
The plan was to produce a large, futuristic sculpture of a peanut and navy bean – designed by well-known Queensland artist Mark Shellshear – and place it on one of the entry ways to Kingaroy.
A site on the railway land near Somerset Street was suggested, which would have framed the view of the real peanut silos within the hollowed out sculpture.
We hawked the idea around Council and arts funding bodies.
But sadly, no one was interested at the time … and honestly, the cost would have been enormous.
So what do you think?
Does Kingaroy really need a Big Peanut?

I think the region is well known for peanuts nationally, and if a big peanut is established in Kingaroy, that is a good thing. There is a market for “big” icons across Australia, so this would add to our list of attractions. Tourism economic growth is generated by having attractions that appeal to a broad cross-section of travellers. If the “big peanut” is built, it will only bring new tourists to our area. That’s what we all strive for. Congratulations team
I think the establishment of a Big Peanut in the Lions Park would work well along with relocation of The Peanut Van to the same site.
The van’s current location is a little dangerous being on the very extreme corner of a busy road. Relocating to the Lions Park directly across the street would offer an opportunity not only to refresh the van but would also be complemented by the park’s facilities and would be a more attractive proposition for tourist and locals alike. Just add the Big Peanut and the people will indeed come!