August 29, 2017
The Kingaroy Chamber of Commerce and Industry is breaking with tradition with its next Meet’n’Greet – it is being held on a Tuesday, and it will be a breakfast meeting.
The host for the September meeting will be TAFE Queensland’s Kingaroy campus in Geritz Road.
The doors will open at 6:45am on September 19, for a 7:00am start.
Guest speakers will be:
- Swickers General Manager (Operations) Linchon Hawks
- BIEDO CEO Kristy Frahm
- AgForce South-East Regional President, and Visit South Burnett LTO representative Carolyn Stone
- TAFE Queensland Executive Director of Studies Jenni Butler
- South Burnett Mayor Keith Campbell
Cost is $10 which will include breakfast.
RSVP by September 17 to KCCI secretary Paula Greenwood by email