(Photo: Twitter)
May 30, 2017
The Federal Government has reminded local residents again that applications for the pilot Regional Jobs and Investment Packages for the Wide Bay Burnett open on Wednesday.
Regional Development Minister and Deputy Nationals Leader Fiona Nash said local planning committees had written investment plans detailing local priorities for their regions.
“The plans will help ensure that projects that win funding align with the priorities identified by the local community,” Ms Nash said.
“I believe locals know best what will work in their regions. A ‘one size fits all’ approach does not work in the regions and local leadership is vital in determining a region’s positive future.
“It’s great to work in partnership with the community as we aim to build the kinds of communities our children and grandchildren either want to stay in or come back to.
“I encourage businesses, community groups and local governments to submit projects that will invest in partnership with the Federal Coalition Government to create local jobs in forward-looking industries.”
An information session for potential applicants will be held in Kingaroy from 9:30am to 11:00am on Tuesday, June 6, at Kingaroy RSL Club.
Regional Jobs and Investment Packages (RJIP) have also been developed for five other regions in Australia: Tropical North Queensland, Bowen Basin, NSW North Coast, NSW South Coast and Geelong.
More information about RJIP can be found at www.business.gov.au/rjip
- Download Wide Bay-Burnett Local Investment Plan (492kb PDF)
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