February 15, 2017
The South Burnett Regional Council has released the list of projects it wants to spend its windfall $4.2 million “Works For Queensland” grant on.
On Wednesday, Mayor Keith Campbell said Council officers submitted a list of proposed projects to the Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning last Friday.
The projects met the grant’s criteria that the money be spent on maintenance and minor capital works, and none was included in the Council’s current Budget.
The projects will now be assessed by the Department, and the Council is hopeful it will receive approval to proceed next week.
It will then need to advertise for temporary workers and contractors to carry them out.
The projects the Council would like to undertake are:
- Resurfacing the laneway beside Kingaroy Town Hall
- Rehabilitating Silverleaf Road, Murgon
- Rehabilitating Crumpton Drive, Blackbutt
- Shoulder resheeting on Mt Stanley Road, Nanango
- Shoulder resheeting on Runnymede Road, Runnymede
- Shoulder resheeting on Ellesmere Road, Ellesmere
- Gravel resheeting on Burra Burri Road, Durong
- Gravel resheeting on Ironpot Road, Ironpot
- Pipe replacement on Stonelands Road, Stonelands
- Constructing a new footpath in Ivy Street, Kingaroy
- Constructing a new footpath in Fitzroy Street, Nanango
- Constructing a new footpath in King Street, Nanango
- Constructing a new footpath in Coulson Street, Blackbutt
- Constructing a new footpath in Scott Street, Wondai
- Cabin renovations at Yallakool Tourist Park
- Cabin renovations at Boondooma Tourist Park
- Reinstate drainage at Boondooma Tourist Park
- Reinstate cabin access steps and pathway at Boondooma Tourist Park
- Second bitumen seal on the South Burnett Rail Trail
- Replace components of yards and walkways at Coolabunia Saleyards
- Replace plastic blinds at Nanango swimming pool
- Demolish Glendon Street Medical Centre building
- Restump Kingaroy SES building
- Refurbish eight kitchenettes at Drayton Villas
- Replace awnings at Brighthaven Units
- New boundary fence at Drayton Villas
- Replace decking and front posts at Kingaroy 1913 Chambers
- External repainting of Blackbutt office/library
- Partial internal repainting and wall repair at Maidenwell Hall
- Paint external walls in front of shops at Murgon Town Hall
- External sanding and painting of Brighthaven Units
- External sanding and painting of Proston Railway Building
- Replacement of stormwater pipes and gutters of Proston Railway Building
- Paint subfloor columns, battens, front facade and sign at Proston Hall
- Paint roof of former Kingaroy bus terminal
- Paint roof of Kingaroy administration building
- External and internal painting of Kingaroy Town Common Hall
- External and internal painting of Wondai Swimming Pool kiosk and amenities
- Replace emulsion wash down area at Nanango depot
Mayor Campbell said he wanted to place the Council’s appreciation for the grant on the record.
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“Second bitumen seal on the South Burnett Rail Trail” What’s the point? The Kingaroy coal mine developers will be tearing up the rail trail and turning it back into a working railway. The only thing thing in the way of the mine and railway is an EIS (environment impact statement) and no mine has ever been blocked because of environmental reasons. Unfortunately where there is money to be made the environment always loses. Much to my dislike in saying this, but everyone should get use to the idea that the mine will more than likely be approved and that the town of Kingaroy will be home to a great big dirty polluting coal mine.
What’s happening to bitumen on Logan St. Last street in town area still dirt . Thanks for the repairs and new channelling near First Avenue.
“Second bitumen seal on the rail trail” – I thought this project was already paid for through a 2 million dollar grant. Is that right?