December 14, 2016
Nurunderi TAFE’s main lecture theatre was filled to overflowing with students and proud family members at the recent end-of-year graduation.
Special guest for the occasion was State MP and Minister For State Development, Dr Anthony Lynham, who helped distribute the graduation certificates to the students.
The event was compered by Jenni Butler, Executive Director Studies at TAFE Queensland South West.
She emphasised that some students weren’t present for the ceremony but it was only because they had secured jobs … which brought a round of applause from the audience.
Nurunderi Campus Business Co-ordinator Santina Schmocker said there had also been good employment outcomes from a joint project that Nurunderi had run in conjunction with the South Burnett Regional Council and South Burnett CTC.
Two groups of 10 trainees had worked on the South Burnett Rail Trail project; 80 per cent of participants in the first group had found employment, and 60 per cent in the second group.
Nurunderi was now planning another project in conjunction with Gumnut House at Murgon.
Mrs Schmocker said there had also been positive outcomes for the aged care, hairdressing and construction students.
“With a little courage and commitment … you can be whatever you want to be,” she said.
Murgon State High School principal Maurice Ware thanked Mrs Schmocker for forging a relationship between Nurunderi and his school.
“This year 10 per cent more students graduated than the previous year, and every student graduated with a QCE. That’s a great outcome,” Mr Ware said.
The courses available to MSHS students will expand in 2017.
Mr Ware said the proposal was to have six courses on offer, through funding provided by the State Government.
“There will be a 300 per cent increase in the number of students who will be engaged with Nurunderi campus next year,” he said.
In his student address, graduate Gordon Wragge said the students’ achievements were a credit to the college, the staff and the teachers.
“Anyone who wants to improve their lives, their employment chances, please utilise this great campus, Nurunderi campus,” Mr Wragge said.

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2016 Nurunderi Graduates
Skills For Education And Employment Program Charles Blasnik Jacinta Brigg Danielle Georgetown Arthur Hodgkinson Victor King Phoebe Mickelo Christopher Robinson Wayne Sandow Kalchiri Tallis Lindsay Williams Angela Spiro Certificate I In Construction Certificate II In Resource And Infrastructure Work Preparation Certificate II In Hairdressing
Certificate III In Individual Support (Ageing) Samuel Bowler Deidre Bridge Kelly Dorse Sarah Druery Tayla Hillier Leonie Hope Nicole Madjarian Retta Moses Emma Powell Certificate III In Early Childhood Education And Care Certificate III In Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care Certificate IV In Youth Work Diploma Of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care Certificate II In Hairdressing Certificate III In