November 6, 2016
Swickers will update employees at a meeting at Kingaroy Town Hall on Sunday evening – but the media have been banned from attending.
Representatives from the company, which is the largest employer in Kingaroy, met with the Local Disaster Management Committee at the South Burnett Council Chambers on Sunday afternoon.
South Burnett Regional Council released a statement after this meeting:
“Robert van Barneveld, Managing Director and CEO of Sunpork Group and Linchon Hawks, General Manager of Operations, Swickers attended the LDMG and thanked all emergency services staff for their great work in containing and extinguishing the blaze.
“Mr van Barneveld advised the boning room and meat chillers were damaged in the blaze however contingencies have already been established to negate these issues. Plans are underway to have the undamaged areas of Swickers operational in approximately one week.
“All Swickers staff have been asked to attend a meeting at 6:30pm Sunday evening in the Kingaroy Town Hall, Glendon Street, where they will be apprised of the situation.
“This meeting is for Swickers staff only – onlookers and media are requested not to attend.
“While this event will impact operations at Swickers in the short term, both Sunpork and Swickers are working positively to re-establish operations as soon as possible to minimise the impact.
“The LDMG will work co-operatively with Swickers and government agencies to provide assistance as required.”