October 14, 2016
There’s going to be no excuse for South Burnett residents not to be prepared during the upcoming storm and bushfire season with the launch of a handy new guide on Friday.
The foldout guide is designed to be a fridge magnet, but when taken down and opened up there is information about floods, severe storms, bushfires, heatwaves and even earthquakes.
There are telephone numbers to call, where to learn more about warnings and information about preparing emergency kits and evacuation kits.
Another page has spaces to write in all those important telephone numbers which you are likely to forget in an emergency.
The “Be Prepared” guide was funded by the South Burnett Regional Council in partnership with the State Government’s RACQ Get Ready Queensland initiative.
Information in the guide was gathered together by the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services.
Representatives from the Council and local emergency services gathered in the Kingaroy Town Hall Forecourt on Thursday for the official launch.
The launch also coincided with SES Week, from October 15-23, and came just a few days after National Firefighters Remembrance Day.
The guide will also be introduced to residents at similar events in other South Burnett towns:
- Nanango – Friday, October 14, from 9:00am-11:00am at the Nanango Cultural Centre
- Blackbutt – Friday, October 14, from 2:00pm-4:00pm in Les Muller Park next to the Council office
- Wondai – Thursday, October 20, from 9:00am-11:00am in Coronation Park
- Murgon – Friday, October 21, from 9:00am-11:00am at the Lamb Street Visitor Information Centre
- Proston – Friday, October 21. from 2:00pm-4:00pm at the Community Hall in Rodney Street.
Residents putting together their emergency kits will be able to get important documents (insurance policies, birth certificates etc) scanned by Council staff at any of the South Burnett libraries.
The digital copies can then be easily stored on a USB stick.
Just BYO USB to any of the South Burnett libraries between October 13 and November 30 to have any of the documents listed in the Evacuation Kit digitally copied.