February 8, 2016
The Kingaroy Concerned Citizens Group (KCCG) will be holding a public meeting at Kingaroy Town Hall at 7:00pm on Tuesday to discuss a proposed new open cut coal mine on the outskirts of Kingaroy.
Prospects for the new mine are being investigated by Moreton Resources Ltd, and representatives from the company will be attending to answer questions.
Last month, at the KCCG’s annual general meeting, several of the group’s members expressed concerns about the project.
Their principal concern was the proposed site for the open cut coal mine was too close to Kingaroy.
They feared that if the project went ahead the town would suffer visual, noise, dust and light pollution from the mine and a slump in property values.
Other concerns included property resumptions, the loss of prime agricultural land, a potential loss of up to $7.4 million a year in State Government mining royalties, and possible impacts on the operation of Kingaroy Airport.
The KCCG – which was formed to fight Cougar Energy’s trial Underground Coal Gasification plant – said they were not opposed to the mine in principle, and understood Moreton Resources were following normal commercial practice in exploring the project’s potential.
They also acknowledged the company had rehabilitated the site formerly occupied by Cougar Energy, and said they believed Moreton Resources CEO Jason Elks was carrying out his duties diligently and effectively.
But they were concerned potential downsides attached to the project hadn’t yet been looked at.
Member for Nanango Deb Frecklington and representatives from Stanwell Corporation have also been invited to attend the meeting, along with the general public.
- Related article: Public Forum To Discuss Mine