February 4, 2016
SES groups will be able to access vital new emergency equipment thanks to a $200,000 joint sponsorship deal supported by Ergon Energy, Energex and Powerlink Queensland.
Applications are now open for SES groups to buy specific equipment used in emergencies, including generators, emergency lighting equipment, chainsaws, pole saws, basket stretchers and specialist emergency packs.
SES volunteers often work alongside power industry workers during disasters or emergencies.
“That frontline teamwork and collaboration between the agencies during operational responses has inspired this special funding,” Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) Deputy Commissioner Mike Wassing said.
Ergon chief executive Ian McLeod said many Ergon staff who live and work in regional Queensland were also SES volunteers.
“They are there for Ergon, our customers and for the SES in their communities,” he said.
The sponsorship is the first joint partnership of its kind for Queensland’s three government-owned electricity entities.
Applications for a share in the funding close on February 15.
- More information is available online or contact SES logistics on (07) 3635-3434.
Excellent initiative and not before time