Murgon Rotarians Melissa Young, Valerie Hodson and Michaela Graaf had fun selling ham wheel tickets at the Murgon Christmas Carnival on Friday night, despite the stormy weather
December 14, 2015
A Christmas miracle happened in Murgon on Friday night … the annual Christmas Carnival escaped the worst of the storms that were buffeting much of the rest of the South Burnett.
Hail and heavy rain lashed Kingaroy and Nanango, and trees were snapped off from Redgate to Gordonbrook, but Murgon residents were treated to much lighter rain and a dramatic light show in the sky.
However, a strong gust of wind early in the evening did send stallholders scurrying.
The looming clouds and lightning would have discouraged some revellers, but there was still a good crowd eager to enjoy the festive atmosphere in Lamb Street, indulge in some late-night shopping, and get a chance to meet Santa.
A competition offering prizes for the the best Christmas costumes meant there were a lot of “elves” wandering about wearing Santa hats and flashing lights.
A highlight of the night was the arrival of Santa, who then posed patiently to have his photo taken with bunches of children.
The storm did claim one victim, though … all the rides were shut down for safety reasons.
Santa’s helpers Suzannah Moroney and Candice Pratt led children to Santa under the giant Christmas Tree and gave each of child a lollipop afterwardsCountry entertainer Arthur Nettelfield stayed to play on the Rotunda Stage despite the threatening lightning in the sky
Tre Stanley, 9, and Elwyn Fewquandie, from Murgon
Corky, from CROW-FM, compered the Carnival, assisted by Cr Kathy Duff
Former Murgon residents – now Brisbane university students – Allison Cooper and Jessica Pearce were back in town for the holidaysThere are times when only a bucket of hot chips will do … Murgon Lions Bevan Routledge and Alan Fowler had hoped to be operating the club’s merry-go-round but found themselves at a loose end when all the rides were shut down because of the impending storm
Michelle Allport, from Murgon, with Kalib, 5, and Trae, 7, were dressed to impress
Jess and Scott Hodgson came from Moondooner to enjoy the night’s festivities
Capri Fisher, four months, was enjoying her first Murgon Christmas Carnival … from left, Jenaya Simpson, Colleen Fisher and Lei-Jada Simpson, from Murgon
Pauline Wallace, Murgon; and Judy Mangan, from Tuncurry in NSW
Former Wondai Mayor Percy Iszlaub had his familiar role with the Wondai Town Band
With the heavens threatening to open up at any time, the Wondai Town Band shifted from QEII Park to shelter under the awning of the nearby Australian HotelSome of the big crew of Murgon Rotary Club members looking after the ham wheel