September 22, 2015
The Early Childhood Education teachers at TAFE Queensland South West’s Kingaroy campus have put their heads together and come up with some fun ideas to keep kids entertained at home these holidays.
“We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing,” Early Childhood Education and Care teacher Christine Batt said.
“Play allows children to build, imagine, experience, investigate, explore, create, observe, predict and use their senses, but best of all, it’s heaps of fun.”
Fellow teacher Lori Jones said it didn’t take much to please a child.
“In fact, it is often the small things that make for the most meaningful childhood memories,” she said.
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Here are what the TAFE teachers suggested:

Activity 1: Hungry Caterpillar Fruit Tray
Looking for a way to make healthy eating fun and get your kids interested in cooking? Help them create a yummy fruit platter based on the beloved book, “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carle, and enjoy the fruits of your labour together.
What you need:
Chopping board
Knife (used with supervision)
Variety of fresh fruit
Cookie cutters
Wash hands and fruit separately before starting. Using a chopping board and knife, peel and slice a variety of fruit. We suggest using grapes, watermelon, rockmelon, mandarines and sultanas, or whatever is available in your fridge.
Arrange fruit close together on a plate to make a caterpillar shape. Once the caterpillar has taken shape, add something small like sultanas for eyes and legs.
Using a cookie cutter, cut fruit shapes to decorate the surrounding areas.
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Activity 2: Tactile Goop
This activity creates endless amounts of fun as children explore through sensory play. Make two separate batches and allow children to explore and mix colours.
What you need:
2 packs of cornflour
2 cups of water
Food colouring
Large bowl or container for children to get both hands into
Mix cornflour and water (adding the water gradually) together in a large container and add food colouring if desired.
This mixture will feel hard to press, however get your hands into the mess, manipulate it, and watch as it becomes runny.
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Activity 3: Action Bookmarks
Want to encourage reading? Make a fun bookmark to turn this quiet activity into a must-do.
What you need:
Action shot of your child
Coloured ribbon or wool (with tassel if possible)
Contact paper
Backing cardboard
Take a photo of your child posing as if they’re hanging onto a rope. Print out your photos and cut out as close as possible around the photo.
Using a glue stick, mount your photo to cardboard to make your bookmark a little sturdier. However, DO NOT glue down the hands. Then cut out around the photo again.
Next, slip in your tassel between the photo and the cardstock backing. Try to look at the hand position and then place the tassel so it looks like the children are actually holding it.
Then put some glue on the cardboard and the photo, and press them together. After it has stuck, trim off the excess string. Finally, cut out a piece of contact paper to cover the back and front of the bookmark. Adhere it to both sides, smooth it down and cut out around the bookmark leaving a trim around the edges.
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TAFE Queensland South West says parental supervision is required at all times during these activities.