by Jim Bond
A full green of bowlers at Yarraman was a great sight last Sunday.
It was President Neil Johnston’s “at home”, and two games of 18 ends were played with scoring two for an end and four for a win.
Warren Arthur’s Nanango team showed them how by racking up 60 points.
Next best was the Burnett District President’s team skipped by Bevan Barsby. They scored 54 points and with a margin of 17 were named runners-up from Brian Profke’s team, who tallied only 17 points with their two wins.
The day presented an opportunity for Yarraman’s Secretary Ken Sheldon to be pinned with his Life Member badge.
Two other awards were also handed out: Tom Johnson gained his Veterans Badge and Ron Lucas was pinned with a Super Veteran Badge.
These two players have spent a considerable part of their life on a bowling green.
Results from Presidents Day:
- Winners: Warren Arthur, Delvin Powys, Doris Drew and Woody Hammond – 60
- Runners Up: District President team of Craig and Ray Currie, Bevan Barsby and Carol Watters – 54 margin 17
- Brian Profke, Merv Fitch, Jeff Ihle and Kay Dugdell – 54 margin 11
- Todd Currell, Glenda Wolski, Leo Robinson and Bev Profke – 51
- Esk – 50
- Tansey – 46
- Wondai – 44
- Murgon – 44
- Bill Holmes, Rob Douglas, Ian Mowat and Tom Johnston – 44
- Nanango No. 2 team – 36
- Durong – 32
- Proston – 32
- Neil Johnston, Brian Dugdell, Kerry Knowles and Ken Sheldon – 28
- Goomeri – 22
- Jenny Moore, Lorraine Holmes and Terri Silcox – 18

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Kingaroy News
Last Sunday Kingaroy enjoyed an afternoon of bowls and raise money for cancer research.
With club-donated green fees, raffles and other donations, the total amount raised was over $550.
The games were played in a light-hearted manner with everyone fully aware of the real reason they were there.
- Alex Callander, Gladys Slatter, Alan Rogerson and Val Jeppesen def. Fred Keding, Marj Moore, Dave Barwick and Steve Carland 30-14
- Des Richards, Lindy Clutterbuck, John Muller and Ray Maclaren def. Briggite Kung, Alan Irwin, Ross Olsson and Maureen Semgreen 27-9
- John Lacey, Bob Bougoure, Kay Muller and Beryl Woods def. Col McBride, June Olsson, Geoff Clutterbuck and Malcolm MacLeod 23-15
- Wanda Carland and Greg Schulz def. Peter Neilsen and Sharon Yeates 22-1
Wednesday was Ladies Day:
- Marj Moore and Sharon Yeates def. June Olsson and Val Jeppesen 31-24
- Bess Thorp, Gladys Slatter and Diane Reed def. Kay Jensen, Glen Yeates and Beryl Woods 24-14
On Thursday, in Pairs and Triples, bright sunlight and fresh south-westerly winds greeted hardy Kingaroy bowlers.
- Harry Read and Kev Raffin def. Alex Callender and Col Kratzmann 17-15
- Geoff Clutterbuck and Alan Rogerson def. Bob Bougoure and Bob Robinson 17-16
- John Lacey, Paul Marychurch and Alan Irwin def. Dave Barwick, Barry O’Brien and Val Jeppesen 21-19
- Keith Muller, Felipe Munoz and Hugh Harrison def. Col McBride, Bob Hammond and Ross Olsson 25-18
- Darcy Munro, Maree Millard and Ray Maclaren def. Briggite Kung, Gladys Slatter and Bruce Johnston 22-17
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Nanango News
Tuesday was Trophy Day, with scoring one for and end and five for a win:
- Lew Saunders and Dave Clapperton – 24 pts + 27
- Barry O’Brien, Peter Nielson and Jim Fowler – 24 pts + 23
- Annette O’Brien, Bob Hall and Mike Wyvill – 23
- Des Richards, Henry Bliesner and Brian Havell – 20
- Alan Calander and Dave Barwick – 19
- Lindi Clutterbuck, Allan Wright and Ray Maclaren – 18
- Fred Kelso, Cec Bracken and Col Kratzman – 17
- Trevor George, Bob Hammond and Bruce Johnson – 16
- Darcy Munro and Geoff Clutterbuck – 14
- Knellor Sulter, Merv Anderson and Glen Yeates – 10
- John Larcey and Allan Ward – 10
- Briggette Kung, John McConnell and John Coppard – 6
In the Championship B Grade Singles, Josh Fisher def. Henry Bliesner 25-18.
And on Wednesday, in Ladies Scroungers, the winner was Evelyn Jensen on 56 points, with next best Di McNeilage on 45.
Another score worth a mention was Muriel Benfield, with 40.