June 4, 2015
Children from nine South Burnett schools will be the stars in country singer Josh Arnold’s latest music video.
Josh – whose “Small Town Culture” project has made video stars of young singers in Yarraman and Kilkivan as well as countless other Queensland small towns – was invited by Wheatlands State School principal Daniel Bishop to work on a project with the local school cluster.
The schools involved in the “Beyond Barambah” project are Cherbourg, Cloyna, Goomeri, Moffatdale, Murgon, Wheatlands and Windera State schools, Murgon State High School and Proston P-10.
Josh was at Cherbourg State School on Thursday to film interviews with some of the young students.
On Thursday evening, selected singers from each of the schools gathered with Josh at Andrew Beckett’s Bullroarer Recording Studios in Murgon to lay down the tracks.
The “Beyond Barambah” project will result in a 12 to 15-minute video which will be officially launched on July 16 at Murgon Town Hall (6:30pm TBC).
Everyone is invited to come along and see the result!
The project is being supported by the University of Southern Queensland.
Related articles:
- Kilkivan’s ‘Small Town Culture’ Song Unveiled
- Kilkivan Wins Song Competition
- Vote Now For Kilkivan Kids