July 27, 2014

Member for Nanango Deb Frecklington has congratulated TAFE Qld South West on successfully securing $300,000 for a training program to support local people affected by the drought.

Mrs Frecklington said the “Helping Hand – Training Rural Communities in Times of Drought” program would receive funding through the State Government’s 2014/15 Community Learning Program.

“This training program is a terrific example of our local TAFE offering valuable training courses to local people looking for work off-farm,” Mrs Frecklington said.

“TAFE Qld South West will partner with the Queensland Rural Regional and Remote Women’s Network (QRRRWN) and AgForce to assist primary producers who, due to the drought, need to source supplementary income.”

The training will be co-ordinated through both the Kingaroy and Cherbourg campuses and will include qualifications in Aged Care, Early Childhood Education and Care, Disabilities, Community Services and Education Support.

“This is an excellent initiative and one which I believe will directly benefit members of our community who have been hit hard by the ongoing drought conditions,” Mrs Frecklington said.

South Burnett Suicide Prevention Working Group