Nurunderi TAFE  Campus Business Co-ordinator Santina Schmocker and Indigenous Student Support Officer Margaret Cobbo
TAFE staff members Lis Buzzo and Trevor Heslop at the ‘Harmony Day’ barbecue

March 20, 2014

Students at Southern Queensland and Bremer Institute of TAFE Kingaroy and Nurunderi TAFE campuses have acknowledged both ‘Close the Gap’ and ‘Harmony Day’ events with informal barbecues and open discussions to discuss multicultural issues.

Campus Business Co-ordinator Santina Schmocker said the social, open-forum lunch discussions fostered intelligent, insightful conversations, and brought students up to speed on Indigenous health issues in particular.

“It’s important all students and staff understand and have empathy for the challenges people of different cultures face, including the difficulties Indigenous Australians encounter when accessing health care,” she said.

“The gap is there, and this was our small contribution – conversational yet educational sessions – to move towards closing it.”

Acknowledging ‘Close the Gap’ and ‘Harmony’ days at Nurunderi TAFE were students, back row, from left, Brett Barrett, Campus Business Co-ordinator Santina Schmocker, Sam Waterton; front row, Tanya Klibbe, Janelle Kenny, Rhonda Van Beelen and Jo Weldon


South Burnett Suicide Prevention Working Group