October 28, 2013
Member for Maranoa Bruce Scott has made representations on behalf of the people of Blackbutt to resolve the long-standing issue over the town’s postcode.
The rural areas of Blackbutt and Benarkin share the same 4306 postcode as the more urban areas of Ipswich and Amberley, which means Blackbutt and Benarkin residents can be unfairly penalised on insurance premiums and other matters.
The 4306 postcode has long been a sore point with the two South Burnett towns and the matter was raised repeatedly with South Burnett Mayor Wayne Kratzmann at a recent public meeting even though postcode allocation is not a Local Government matter.
A spokeswoman for Mr Scott said today the Blackbutt-Benarkin area deserved a unique postcode and Mr Scott would continue to fight on behalf of these communities.
“Mr Scott believes there needs to be a postcode review and has made recent representations to the Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Parliamentary Secretary to the Communications Minister Paul Fletcher regarding communication issues affecting the electorate (including postcode allocation issues experienced in the Maranoa),” the spokeswoman said.
- Related article: MP Targets Blackbutt’s ‘Unlucky’ Postcode