September 4, 2013
Representatives from the Queensland Local Government Grants Commission will be asked to explain why the South Burnett is only receiving $217 per head in Federal grants funding while residents of the Western Downs receive $574 per head and residents of the North Burnett get $963 per head.
The Commission is an independent statutory body which makes recommendations to Queensland’s Local Government Minister on the distribution of Commonwealth grants to local councils.
South Burnett Mayor Wayne Kratzmann said today the continual reduction in the region’s Federal funding was “unacceptable”.
“Our neighbouring councils are receiving significant increases in their funding while we had a 10 per cent decrease last financial year and an additional 6 per cent decrease this year,” he said.
“The continual reduction in South Burnett’s grant allocation is unacceptable. We cannot charge our ratepayers any more to make up for this continual loss in funds.”
The Mayor also queried the large disparity in per capita funding between the South Burnett and the neighbouring Western Downs and North Burnett shires.
A summary of the regions, populations and allocated grants are:
“The decrease in these grants directly affects our bottom line. This money is used to keep the Council operating and continue to offer services to our ratepayers,” Mayor Kratzmann said.
“Council will be inviting representatives from the Queensland Grants Commission to address our Council on the methodology used to determine grant allocations.
“Our Council has been lobbying to see the recent decrease in our funds turned around but this latest information is yet another slap in the face.
“We will now be taking this to the next step.”