July 16, 2013
CROW-FM 90.7’s Chantal Harth – a Nurunderi TAFE student – has been named as one of this year’s three Darling Downs regional finalists in the “Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Student of the Year” category at the Queensland Training Awards.
Chantal, from Murgon, studied a Certificate III in Business with the Southern Queensland Institute of TAFE and started working at CROW-FM as an indigenous trainee in 2012, but took over the administration, sales and promotion role full-time last October.
She will be attending the August 3 official awards ceremony at Cathedral Centre in Toowoomba, where the regional finalist will be announced.
And if she’s selected, she’ll then go on to compete in the State competition in September; and from there, to the national competition in November.
The Queensland Training Awards are the State’s highest recognition for training and are celebrating their 52nd year.
They recognise people and organisations who strive for success, best practice and innovation in training.
Award categories recognise outstanding achievement by:
- Completing apprentices and trainees
- School-based apprentices and trainees
- Graduates of certificate, diploma and advanced diploma courses
- Small, medium and large employers who use training in their workplace
- Training organisations, teachers and trainers
The Darling Downs region has eight categories of awards and three finalists in each.
The regional finalists can be viewed on the Queensland Training Awards website.