Shopping local … local businesses hope to make it a habit

May 21, 2013

Small businesses in the South Burnett are putting together a  “shop local” campaign to entice more shoppers to support local business.

“We have a group of businesses who are very keen to have a ‘Shop Local South Burnett’ campaign with a possible prize or reward for residents who shop locally,” Trudi Bartlett, CEO of Transforming Small Business said.

“We are looking for more interested businesses who would like to participate in a ‘shop local’ campaign.

“The more businesses we have involved in the campaign the bigger the prize could be for those who shop locally..

“Shopping locally is a habit and we are looking at running a promotion with a prize that is a big enough carrot that people will be enticed to shop locally rather than go to the coast or the city.

“There are a lot of people in our region who do always ‘think local first’ and we are interested in encouraging that mindset across the whole of the South Burnett.”

Ms Bartlett said businesses that were interested in a “shop local” campaign can get more information at one of two information nights being held in the region:

  • Kingaroy – Kingaroy RSL, 6:30pm on May 22
  • Murgon – Murgon RSL, 6:30pm on May 23

“Depending on how much interest we get from the Kingaroy and Murgon nights, we will then be looking at doing additional information nights across the region in the coming weeks,” Ms Bartlett said.

“We have a lot of small businesses in our region that are feeling the effects of the floods earlier this year.

“Now is the time to ensure we support our local businesses or when we do need them, they might not still be there.

“If a business is interested in getting some information about a ‘shop local’ campaign, I would recommend they attend one of the information nights.”

For more information and to RSVP, contact Ms Bartlett on 0488-112-298.