April 4, 2013
The South Burnett’s new economic development advisory committee – which consists of nine respected local businesspeople plus Mayor Wayne Kratzmann – met for the first time this afternoon.
The South Burnett Directions Steering Committee (SBDSC) has been established as a committee under the umbrella of council to “provide vision, recommend strategy and oversee projects of regional significance”.
It has been set up to plan, implement and monitor sustainable economic and tourism development in the South Burnett region.
At its initial meeting, held at the Council Chambers in Kingaroy, the group discussed how it would operate, its terms of reference and code of conduct.
An overview of the tourism industry was provided by Mary-Clare Power from Southern Queensland Country Tourism; and Neil McPhillips spoke about the Wide Bay-Burnett Regional Economic Development Advisory Committee.
South Burnett Regional Council Economic Development Manager Phil Harding provided an economic comparison between the South Burnett and Wide Bay-Burnett.
South Burnett Directions will act in its own right, reporting to Council.
Amongst its other tasks, the committee will also be considering the future structure of the organisation, its funding and ultimate restructure into an independent organisation.
It will make recommendations to Council about the most appropriate structure and income model within 24 months.
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