April 9, 2012
Maidenwell Observatory astronomer and photographer James Barclay will be heading off to Norfolk Island later this year to host an Astronomy and Photography Week on the island.
A highlight of the tour will be witnessing a Partial Solar Eclipse on November 14 which will start at 8:07am local time.
James said people on the island would get to see 98 per cent of the event while those in the South Burnett would see 80 per cent.
The eclipse would also last about three minutes on Norfolk, which is long by astronomical standards.
James will also be holding day and night photo workshops. He said Norfolk Island’s night sky was studded with stars as there are no streetlights on the island.
For the big solar eclipse day, he will be taking over a solar and a night-time telescope and there will be opportunities to photograph the eclipse.
For more information about the Norfolk Island tour, see the Norfolk Island Travel Centre website