February 8, 2018
Wondai’s 135 Army Cadet Unit will be having two recruitment intakes this year – one this Sunday, February 11 and another in June.
The reason for the change is the minimum age for recruitment has been raised from 12 years, 6 months to 13 years.
This means potential recruits who don’t meet the minimum age limit this weekend can have a second chance to sign up later this year.
The cadets will be holding an Open Day at their Bramston Street depot between 10:00am and 2:00pm.
The Open Day will be offering a sausage sizzle lunch at noon, a presentation about the basics of enlistment and demonstrations of some of the many activities cadets get involved in.
There are currently 20 army cadets based at the depot, which has the capacity to handle 39.
Wondai Cadet Officer Captain (AAC) Andrew Sampson said the first two years of a cadet’s training concentrated on developing practical and leadership skills.
After this, older cadets pass these skills on to younger cadets.
Cadets receive basic training as well as adventure training, bush training and field engineering drills.
They can also take part in a week-long away camp with the other South Queensland cadet branches in September.
Wondai Cadets meet at the depot every second Sunday.
After the Open Day, new recruits will get set up with their uniforms and other gear on February 26.
Training will start in earnest the fortnight after that.
Anyone who’d like more information about the unit is welcome to phone Andrew on 0408-623-621.