The Durong Bowls Club officially launched its new $140,000 bowling green surface last Saturday.
The green came courtesy of a $100,000 grant from the Department Of Sport and Recreation combined with $40,000 of local fundraising efforts, which included 16 locals sponsoring an end for $1500 each.
Bowls Club patron Francis Coe and patroness Bett Wallace cut a ceremonial cake, then each bowled the first bowl – one for the ladies, one for the gentlemen.
Chairman Brett Cauley thanked everyone who had supported the club’s fundraising activities, as well as those who gave assistance to remove the old surface and prepare the foundation for the new one.
He also paid special thanks to Janine Pay from the Department of Sport and Recreation, who assisted the club with their grant application.
Clubs came from all over the South Burnett and further afield to play for the day in beautiful weather, and all sixteen ends were in use throughout the day.
Players commented favourably on the new surface, and the friendliness and community spirit of Durong’s keen bowlers.
[Photos: Contributed]

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Kilcoy News
Four Kilcoy lady bowlers who played in the Caboolture District team against Brisbane North on Sunday, July 24 – Jenny Edwards, Tracey Evans, Maxine Wilcox and Trudi Pratt – got to enjoy a rare treat.
Caboolture won the challenge for only the sixth time since its inception in 1989.
Maxine also represented Kilcoy at the District Champion of Champions two days later on Tuesday, July 26, where she lost to the Glass House rep but acquitted herself well.
Meanwhile, in Men’s Pennants, Kilcoy played Caboolture Lakes at Kilcoy and were narrowly defeated.
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Tuesday, July 26 was July Trophy Day, and it was sponsored by Tony Gray and Kelly Charters.
It was a great day, and the Spider was once again won by Noel Lanes.
Touchers were Noel Lanes, Gary Jensen, John Worrall, Trudi Pratt, Marg Worrall, Elayne Moat, Dale Collings (a visitor from Tasmania), Kelly Charters, Roger Moat and Dawn Phillips.
The winners for the day, with the highest winning score, were Jenny Edwards, Marg Worrall, Elayne Moat and Liz Frawley who defeated Trudi Pratt, Sharon Walker/Pauline Lawson, Pam Taylor and Kim Donovan 27-16.
Runners Up, with the second highest winning score, were Harold Alford, Dale Collings, Nev Johnston and Evelyn Johnston who defeated Michael Dunn, Kelly Charters, Roger Moat and Chris Playford 26-9.
Other results:
- Bill Edwards, Horst Myer, Peter Playford and Wendy Smith def. Noel Lanes, Ian Smith, John Worrall and Dawn Phillips 24-12
- Tim Powell, Ernie Herbert, Kathy Hill and Gary Jensen def. Jeff Welden, Nelly Herbert, Terry Pratten and Lynn Chandler 23-10

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On Tuesday, August 2 Kilcoy’s ladies pennants teams won their first match against Solander Lake at Kilcoy. A return match will be played at Solander Lake on Thursday, August 4.
In the Star of the Green competition, Noel Lanes defeated Harold Alford and will play Jeff Welden next Tuesday.
In social bowls:
- Winners: Michael Dunn, Grahame Derriman and Peter Playford def. Marg Dahl, Ann Pope and Lex Biddle 26-13
- Jeff Welden, Fay Vicary, Kelly Charters and Roger Moat def. Bill Edwards, Horst Myer, Gary Jensen and Dawn Phillips 20-17
- Noel Lanes, Ernie Herbert and Terry Pratten def. Tim Powell, John Worrall and Lyn Chandler 19-16
The jackpot did not go off and stands at $184 next Tuesday.
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In the Men’s Pennants competition, Kilcoy were narrowly defeated by Beachmere.
Teams to play Bribie Island at Kilcoy on Saturday, August 6 are:
- Peter Stanton, John Glanvill, Noel Lanes and Tony Gray
- Bill Edwards, Jamie Mitchell, Leigh Irwin and Greg Staniforth.
And in championship Results:
- Bill Edwards, Leigh Irwin and Jenny Edwards def. Marg Worrall, Sharon Walker and John Worrall in Mixed Triples
- Lester Bechly defeated Clinton Morrow in the Men’s Singles
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On Kilcoy’s Blackboard:
- Every Tuesday: Mixed Social Bowls; names by 9:00am for 9:30am start
- Monday, August 8: Ladies Mayor’s Cup at Kilcoy.
- Wednesday, August 10: Pub Day – 11:00am Start
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Yarraman News
The third round of the Yarrabutt Challenge is coming up on Thursday, August 11, and it’s going to be a cliff-hanger.
The Yarrabutt is a mixed gender monthly competition between bowlers from the Blackbutt district and Yarraman district, and takes the form of a game over 18 ends with two points for an end and five points for a win.
Players are randomly allocated to a team closest to their home, and a position of play, by a draw out of a hat.
The third round of the Yarrabutt will kick off with a morning tea at 9:30am (coffee, tea and biscuits supplied) before the match gets underway at 10:00am, and it will be followed by a bring-a-plate shared lunch.
Names will need to be in the Friday beforehand, though, so make sure you get yours down if you intend to play.
All points are accumulated towards a Christmas event.
At the moment, the score is Yarraman 1 – Blackbutt 1, so who’s going to take out bragging rights is anyone’s guess.
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On Yarraman’s Blackboard:
- Every Sunday: Social Bowls, 1:00pm start, club select
- Every Wednesday: Ladies Bowls, 9:00am start – 3rd Wednesday is Trophy Day
- Thursday, August 11: Yarrabutt Challenge Round 3, 10:00am start
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Nanango News
If you enjoy triples, get along to the Nanango Bowls Club in Henry Street this Saturday, August 6.
The club is holding a Three Bowls triples competition for self-selected teams, and play will occur over two games of 12 ends (or finish at the bell if you’re too slow), with 2 points for an end win and 5 points for a game win.
Teams will be allocated to rinks for the first game, then allocated to different rinks for the second game to spice things up.
Green fees are $10 per player, and there’s a $90 prize for the winning team, $60 for the runner-up team and $30 for the third placed team.
In the event of a tie, the highest score will win.
But if that fails to break the tie, then the prize-money will be split between both teams.
Names need to be in by 11:00am for a noon start, and afternoon tea will be provided.
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On Nanango’s Blackboard:
- Every Friday: Scroungers at 3:00pm
- Every Tuesday: Men’s Social (mufti) at 12:30pm – ladies welcome
- Saturday and Sunday, August 13-14: Winter Carnival at Yarraman