South Burnett Mayor Keith Campbell (Photo: SBRC)

November 22, 2017

South Burnett Mayor Keith Campbell is in the process of forming a focus group to investigate future irrigation possibilities in the region.

Mayor Campbell told he believed there was an opportunity in the South Burnett for the production of high-value crops for food production and industrial uses.

The “South Burnett Water Focus Group” will consist of a dozen farmers from within the region as well as agronomists.

It will work in collaboration with the Wide Bay Burnett Regional Organisation of Councils (WBBROC) which has been developing a Water For Agricultural Growth project for the whole Wide Bay-Burnett.

Mayor Campbell said the availability of water would build on the expertise of existing farmers,  the region’s soil and climate.

However, water could also attract in new producers who have expertise in growing high value crops in other areas.

He said increased irrigation would also help to transition the regional economy and cushion it against any major shocks, for example, if the Tarong Power Station was no longer in existence.


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